Gone to Seed

Gone to Seed

These grasses were lit up like a Christmas Tree in the morning light. They were completely covered in frost and the ice crystals sparkled beautifully. I saw them on my way in for a walk at Inglewood Bird Sanctuary and almost didn’t go back because I was excited to see what birds might still be hanging around so late in the season. At the last minute I decided to turn around to take advantage of the beauty I knew to be there rather than hurrying in to see what else might be there. I’m glad I did because the bird sanctuary was extremely quiet, and I made my best images of the day with these grasses. It’s a little life lesson that I’m going to have to remember…

Gone to Seed

Gone to Seed

Gone to Seed

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Sean lives and works in Calgary, Alberta, Canada and is surrounded by majestic views of the Rocky Mountains and constantly changing prairie landscapes. While focusing on the beauty of the prairies, including the sweeping horizons, the vegetation, and the birds and animals, the Eastern slopes of the Rocky Mountains are also a favorite place to wander and photograph.